Thông Báo
Giáo Lý
Hội Cao Niên
Legio Mariae
Ơn Thiên Triệu
Ca Đoàn Giới Trẻ
Trường Việt Ngữ
Gia Đình Nazareth
Thừa Tác Viên TT
Đao Binh Hồn Nhỏ
Canh Tân Đặc Sủng
Phong Trào Cursillo
Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể
Liên Minh Thánh Tâm
Các Bà Mẹ Công Giáo
Ca Đoàn St. Nicholas
Thăng Tiến Hôn Nhân GĐ
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Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể

LBT Monthly Newsletter: May 2024 - Click here to view!

LBT Monthly Newsletter: April 2024 - Click here to view!

LBT Monthly Newsletter: January 2024 - Click here to view!


THÔNG BÁO - New Year’s Party

Kính thưa quý phụ huynh các em Đoàn Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể Lê Bảo Tịnh, We are excited to inform you that we will be starting off this year with a New Year’s Party for các em. Have your kids come out to a night of formal dinner and festivities. This is an event you don’t want to miss!

When: Friday, January 12 2024 Time: 6:00PM - 9:00PM
Location: St. Nicholas Church - Large Hall
24252 El Toro Road, Laguna Woods, CA 92637
Fee: FREE! What to bring: ● TNTT khăn ● FORMAL ATTIRE

Parents will be responsible for driving their child to the event by 6:00PM and pick up their child at 9:00PM. Let us know if you need to pick up your child early. We will be providing dinner during the event. If any parents are unable to drive their child, please try to find carpools, we want as many kids as possible to come and participate!

Please note ALL food AND skin allergies.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at or (949) 527-5083


This is an announcement for our upcoming event, Advent Adoration, on December 10th from 3:55pm to 4:45pm inside St. Nicholas Church. It will be an uplifting experience for the kids and parents to have a peaceful reflection time with God as our wonderful Adoration team will be providing music accompaniment. We will also have a reflection activity including the parents, so parents need to come! We strongly encourage everyone to attend this event. This is a spiritual experience you cannot miss!


This is a reminder that we will have our Halloween Trunk O' Treat event tomorrow!!! Please note that if you are interested in giving out treats and decorating your car, please park at the small parking lot with the Statue of Mary between 5PM and 5:45PM. Otherwise, general parking and drop off will be on the other larger parking lot side and food will be served!

When: Friday October 27, 2023
Time: 6PM - 8:30PM
Location: St. Nicholas Church Parking Lot
Fee: None!!
What to bring:
- Costume!!!!
- Bag for candy
- TNTT khăn


We will have our Bowling Night event this Saturday. If your child hasn't turned in their forms and is still interested in attending, please complete the forms and email us back as soon as possible. Payment of $15 can be sent online via Venmo (chan_nguyen) or Zelle (949-315-6839). Dinner will be provided at this event.

When: Saturday October 7, 2023
Time: 5:45PM - 8PM
Location: Saddleback Lanes
25402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo, CA 92692
Fee: $15
What to bring:
TNTT khan

Parents will be responsible for driving their child to the event by 5:45PM and pick up their child at 8:00PM. Let
us know if you need to pick up your child early. If any parents are unable to drive their child, please try to find carpools, we want as many kids as possible to come and participate! It will be fun!


Our Vietnamese parish will be having a Tết Trung Thu Picnic this coming Saturday, September 30 at 2pm-8pm! This will be held at Laguna Niguel Regional Park, Shelter #3. Our leaders will be hosting a Night Market at 4:30pm with stations of fun and activities for all of you to join in! Our Múa Lân team will also be returning to this event to give you all an explosive performance! Come out and support!

In addition, the picnic will be hosting a Talent Show open to all: no age or talent restrictions! Every contestant will get a prize, and winners earn more!


As part of the curriculum and activity of ngành Thiếu and ngành Nghĩa, our students are to have fun and grow up learning skills for the real world. The spiritual aspect of Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể is also emphasized and inspires students to be part of the Catholic ministry and practice their faith. Starting next week, all students will be trained to become 💫altar servers💫 and celebrate mass with their peers. This curriculum is in hopes to involve students more in the mass and increase our roster for servers. This is also a reminder that sinh hoạt for Thiếu Nhi is ⛪4pm-6pm every Sunday. Thiếu Nhi will have their training next week (9/24) and Nghĩa Sĩ will have theirs on 10/8. Schedules for your students will be sent out after their training. 


We are starting the school year of 2023-2024 tomorrow!!! Reminder that Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể sinh hoạt starts right at 4:00PM after Giáo Lý (Bible) when the snack period is finished!

Please have your child turn in any unfinished participation forms or payment and be in full uniform
1. white uniform shirt with new logo sewn on left arm
2. blue khaki pants/skirt (no jeans)
3. colored khăn (scarf)

We will be promoting returning students if they are of age, and passing out khăn's to new members at the chào cờ event during our sinh hoạt.

Also please join the rest of our Vietnamese community at the Tết Trung Thu Picnic on Saturday, September 30th starting at 2pm! Our leaders will be hosting a "Night Market" with several stations of activities and games, as well as performing as lion dancers! Come join the fun and get to know all of our leaders :)
